Four days ago, Nicki Minaj revealed that she met with president Obama over a personal matter. Today, is reporting that Nicki met the US president to discuss her brother who was recently indicted for child.
MTO reports below...
According to a person close to Nicki Minaj's family, we've learned that PLATINUM SINGER Nicki Minaj has approached President Obama about the possibility of issuing a PRESIDENTIAL PARDON for her brother.
You see Nicki's brother was indicted on April 4, according to court records. Jelani Maraj, 37, is facing a top charge of felony predatory $exual assault against a child, along with felony $exual conduct against a child under age 13, $exual conduct against a child and endangering the welfare of a child. He's facing more than 20 years in prison if convicted of all charges.
But Nicki's got OTHER PLANS. The insider told, "Nicki [spoke] with the President about it. They're going to talk more. The President leaves office in January, he can just pardon Jelani and then leave. No one would be able to say anything about it."
It's not clear whether the President is entertaining Nicki's request, or not.