Ugandan Commedian Dicanio nearly Lost His Control On Stage due to Winnie Nwagi's Presence

Singer Winnie Nwagi may never forget last Thursday night as city comedian Dicanio wanted to chew her live.

This was during the ‘Entujjo Ya Comedy’, where Winnie was one of the performers who ignited extreme fun and whopper excitement.

Meanwhile, before she could even sing, crowds were already begging her to only perform her recent ‘Musawo’ single only while wiggling her huge booty. “Mulindeeko katono katono namwe”, loosely meaning ‘Kindly hold on’ while the crowd went wild.

City Comedian Dicanio Nearly ‘Harvests’ Winnie Nwagi Live On StageCity Comedian Dicanio Nearly ‘Harvests’ Winnie Nwagi Live On Stage

However, towards the end of her performance, comedian Dicanio stepped up to on stage and started baying for her juicy twat, pushing hands inside her dress.

City Comedian Dicanio Nearly ‘Harvests’ Winnie Nwagi Live On StageCity Comedian Dicanio Nearly ‘Harvests’ Winnie Nwagi Live On Stage

From the look of things, this horny comedian wanted to have a concert of his own in Winnie Nwagi’s panties, though she kept on pushing his hand away from her succulent booty.

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City Comedian Dicanio Nearly ‘Harvests’ Winnie Nwagi Live On Stage

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