This is What Wema Sepetu Posted to Confirm herself about miscarriage of her pregnancy!

Wema Sepetu has revealed losing her unborn twins through miscarriage, the issue started last week then today morning Idris talked about it too and now Wema Sepetu has confirmed the news.....

"It is true, it pains me but it has reached a stage in my life  I can say Alhamdulillah(thank you) for everything, Alhamdulilah to those who know how sad I am and feeling sorry for me, thank you for your love, you give me strength, Alhamdulillah to those who know how in hard time I am and are so excited for their own reasons, thank you for your presence, you give me strength, Alhamdulillah for tomorrow, since I am still breathing I can't get tired trying again, even if you lost, you lose and you will lose say thank you...truly he is God, Alhamdulilah for everything" said Wema on instagram

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