'My Body Was Unattractive Until I Started Using Body Enhancement Products' Curvaceous Celebrity Comes Clean

The debate is still out regarding just how far should a lady go in using artificial means to enhance her booty.
While previously it stopped at moderate make up, presently, silicon implants are the rave. The spike of the use has been led by a number of celebrities in the region having resorted to using them to enhance their curves.
A perfect example is the curvy and sexy Uganda sexy songstress, Desire Luzinda. The superstar was recently made the ambassador for FACO who deal in body enhancement products and it seems a perfect marriage going by the sheer verve the songstress has gone about displaying her assets which she says she needed since she did not feel attractive prior to having them.
Here is the video of Desire in the advertisement. It is kinda sexist portraying all a woman needs is a big ass and curves. The advert has also met criticism from her fans who have asked her to stop leading fellow women astray as she has always had big hips.

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